Friday, April 3, 2020

The Myth Of King Arthur Essays - Mythological Kings, Welsh Mythology

The Myth Of King Arthur There has been a lot of material written about King Arthur and his court. He has been a popular figure in literature for over 800 years. People believe he was only a myth and some people believe he was an actual person. Not a lot of information on King Arthur is fact; most is fictional from many types of writers. The earliest reference of Arthur is the poem Gododdin (A.D. 600) also Historia Bitton by Nennius (A.D.800). In Sir Thomas Mallory's Novel Le Morte D'Arthur, people receive a good idea on how he worked and how the life back then was. Many stories have been written and tales have been told of King Arthur but stories can't be proven to be true. There are many different versions and many different styles and languages written about King Arthur. Welsh, Italian, Celtic, and Arabian, are just a few types of origins from where Arthur has traveled. It is believed that Arthur was a fifth-century British king also named Rithoamus (meaning high king)1. The historic Arthur lived in the mists of the dark ages. From the encyclopedia of Arthurian Legends, Arthur was not a medieval king. It is believed that he was a fifth century chieftain who protected his people . Arthur changes from a God-like Celtic king, to a monarch, to an ordinary man. There are many different opinions as of whom King Arthur was. King Arthur appeared as a national hero in Geoffrey of Monmouth's book called Historia Regum Britanniea (meaning, History of The Kings of Britain). Many of the legends told about Arthur and the round table take place in the castle of Camelot. This is to be believed to have been Cadbury Castle. This is near Somerset. There is no evidence that a little castle, Camelot, existed. There is evidence; however, that there was a castle in the large hill, inside the outer walls, believed to be Camelot. Arthur was a wonderful leader and a terrific fighter. When fighting, Arthur based his strategies on his hill forts, and mounted commando's. It is said that Arthur fought wars that gave him power over Britain, Ireland, and France. After he gained control, he made his claim of the Roman Empire. Many of the wars he fought were against the Saxons. Arthur was a great Calvaryman. Sir Thomas Mallory's Book, Le Morte D' Arthur-, one of the worlds famous books about Arthur, his court, and his life, is very important to young readers in all different countries. This is a very important book, and contains immense details on how life was back in those years. In The Book, Le Morte D' Arthur, written By Sir Thomas Mallory, tells the story of King Arthur. In this tale of King Arthur, King Uther Pendragon is his father 2. King Arthur's father Uther Pendragon died while in his bed 3. Uther Pendragon died when Arthur was two years old. King Arthur received his title, king, by pulling Excalibur out of the stone. People in the country looked upon him as his king because he had the power to pull the sword out. In Mallory's book, Arthur is the great king of Britain. Arthur conquers Rome and was the founder of the Knights of the Round Table. Many people saw Arthur as a pure and flawless man, however, he commits incest and adultery with his Queen Margause and conceives with her bastard Sir Modred, whom Arthur tries to drown. King Arthur finally marries Gwynevere, who he later sentences to death 4. He sentences her to burn because of adultery. Mallory's Novel was one of the greatest works published and a wonderful piece to read if one is interested in learning more about Arthur and his court. Another important writer was a Welsh writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth, who also wrote in detail about King Arthur and his life. His piece of writing was called Historia Regum Britanniea, (which means, History of the Kings of Britain). The two pieces of writing differ in ways. Geoffrey was a Welsh cleric. It's been suggested that Geoffrey took Arthur as his last name because it was his father's name. It may not be going too far to believe that Geoffrey's fascination with

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