Thursday, December 26, 2019

What to Do If You Hate Your College Roommate

Frustrated with your roommate? Think he or she might be frustrated with you? Roommate conflicts are, unfortunately, part of many peoples college experiences, and they can be incredibly stressful. With a little patience and communication, though, it doesnt have to be the end of the roommate-relationship. At the same time, these same skill-sets  can go a long way toward determining if it would be best for each of you to find new roommates. Does Your Roommate Think Theres a Problem? If you think youre having roommate problems, there is one of two things going on: your roommate knows it, too, or your roommate is completely clueless. Things may be tense when the two of you are together in the room; conversely, your roommate may have no idea how frustrated you are at how often he finishes off your cereal after rugby practice. If your roommate isnt aware of the problem, make sure you know what it is thats really bugging you, before you try to address it with them. Get Clear About Your Issues In a space other than your room, sit and think about what is really frustrating you. Try writing down what is frustrating you the most. Is your roommate not respecting your space and/or things? Is she coming home late and making a lot of noise? Having too many people over too often? Instead of writing down last week, she ate all of my food AGAIN, try to think about patterns. Something like she doesnt respect my space and stuff, even though Ive asked her to might address the problem more and be easier for your roommate to handle. Address the Problem Once youve figured out the main issues, try to talk to your roommate at a time that is good for both of you. Its a very good idea to try to set this time in advance. Ask if you can talk when you are both done with morning classes on Wednesday, on Saturday at 2 p.m., etc. Set a specific time so that this weekend doesnt come and go without the two of you talking. Chances are, your roommate knows that you guys need to talk, so give him a few days to possibly put his thoughts together, too. On the same note, however, if you dont feel comfortable talking to your roommate directly, thats okay, too. But you do need to address it. If you live on campus, talk to your RA (Resident Adviser) or other hall staff member. They are trained to help residents with roommate problems and will know what to do, even if you dont. Speak Your Mind...But Listen, Too Using the list and notes you made, and possibly in a conversation facilitated by an RA, let your roommate know how you are feeling. Try not to attack your roommate too much, no matter how frustrated you are. Try using language that addresses the problem, not the person. For example, instead of saying, I cant believe how selfish you are when it comes to my things, try saying, It really frustrates me that you borrow my clothes without asking. The more you verbally attack your roommate (or anyone else, for that matter), the more her defenses are going to go up. Take a deep breath and say what you need to in a way that is constructive and respectful. After all, youd want the same from your roommate, right? And, as hard as it may be, try to listen to what your roommate has to say without getting defensive or interrupting. It may take you biting your cheeks, sitting on your hands, or mentally pretending that youre talking on a tropical beach, but do your best. Your roommate may have some valid reasons behind whats going on and be frustrated, too. The only way you are going to get to the bottom of everything is to put it out on the table, talk about it, and see what you can do. Youre in college now; its time to address this like the adult that you are. If youre having an RA facilitate the conversation, let him or her take the lead. If its just you and your roommate, try to address the things you both said in a way that can satisfy everyone. Most likely, you both wont leave 100% happy, but ideally, you can both leave feeling relieved and ready to move on. After the Discussion After you guys talk, things may be a little awkward. Which is, of course, fine and totally normal. Unless there are issues that you just cannot tolerate, give your roommate a little time to make the changes you discussed. He may be so used to how things have been going for two months that it will be hard to stop doing some of the things he didnt even know drove you nuts. Be patient, but also make it clear that you two came to an agreement and he needs to keep his end of the deal, too. Moving Out If things just arent working out, its not the end of the world. It doesnt mean you or your roommate did anything wrong. Some people just dont live well together! It may be that you both are much better friends than roommates. Or that you will rarely talk to each other for the rest of your time at school. Any situation is fine, as long as you feel safe and ready to move on. If you decide that you just cant stick with your roommate for the rest of the year, figure out what to do next. If you live on campus, talk to your RA again. If you live off campus, figure out what your options are in terms of the lease and relocating. You arent the first person ever to have a problem with a roommate; there are undoubtedly resources already available on campus to help you transition out. Regardless, do your best to remain civil and respectful, and know that your next living situation probably has nowhere to go but up!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Leadership Models And Organizational Culture - 852 Words

Leadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a solid foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminate these principles throughout the organization. This paper will present ethical leadership models as tools for shaping organizational culture. An overview of which leadership models, styles, and traits are most commonly accepted as ethical across the greatest array of social cultures. This document will culminate with a selection of a particular†¦show more content†¦Strategic Leadership The ability to influence others to commit to accomplishing organizational goals and objectives is the fundamental basis of strategic leadership. The objective of strategic leadership is to develop long-term success for a going concern. This cannot be accomplished without developing a financially stable organization. Executives are required to formulate, implement a nd evaluate strategic initiatives in order to build sustainability into the fiber of the organization. Strategic leadership requires the leader to think in the abstract and make unprogrammed decisions in planning the future of the organization. Cultural Leadership Style Every organization must strive to attain the highest level of excellence without breaking ethical principles. This requires a strong participative culture of tolerance and respect for diversity. Leaders cannot be autocratic but inspirational in their relationship with subordinates. Research by Johansson, Miller Hamrin (2014) found leaders who developed effective, synchronous communication lines and utilize them to share their vision with subordinates were most effective. Subordinates were more responsive to the leader’s vision when communication was initiated through memos, meetings and email. Leadership, Ethics and Social Cultures Research by Sheppard, Sarros Santora (2013) and Surijah (2016) identify two primary leadershipShow MoreRelatedLeadership Models And Organizational Culture885 Words   |  4 Pages Leadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminating these principles throughout the organization. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Personal Goals as a Student at the University of P Essay Example For Students

Personal Goals as a Student at the University of P Essay hoenix Personal Goals as a Student at the University of P Essayhoenix Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University of Phoenix enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management. As a student at the university, I now have to set personal goals so that I will be successful in my endeavors. My personal goals are to gain personal growth and development and graduate from my undergraduate program in business management with honors. After my completion of the undergraduate program I will then move on to a masters program. To accomplish my goal of personal growth and development, I will make sure that by the end of every course I take I will have a full understanding of the subject matter. This is where I will take advantage of the learning teams that are offered in conjunction with individual learning. The way I look at the learning teams is that they are there for me to learn and share experiences with my peers. If there is something that I do not fully understand, I can in turn go to my learning team for the answer. If I cannot get the answer from my team then I will go to the instructor. I will not stop until I have a full understanding of what we are studying. My learning will be easier if I apply what I learn on a day-to-day basis. This will occur when I apply what I have learned in the workplace, helping me master and apply the knowledge that I have learned. The most important to me while attending the University of Phoenix is to graduate with honors. I know that I have the potential and what it takes to accomplish this. In order to graduate with honors I will have to study and prioritize, taking my education seriously. By taking my academic affairs seriously and being a positive influence on myself, I know that I will achieve my goals. This means that I will have to complete all assignments, assuring accuracy and the quality of my work. Assuring that I complete all assignments, I will also need to do all assignments before they are due. This will allow me time to make sure that all corrections are done prior to me turning the assignments in. To help me along my journey to success, I have made two colorful, eye catching boards that I will allow myself to look at everyday. The first goal board that I have is a weekly board that I will use for each class. On this board I will have my individual weekly assignments and my team weekly assignments with start and due dates. Also I will have contact numbers and email addresses for people who will benefit me in my course. This would include all my classmates, teammates, and instructor. As I complete an assignment I will draw a line through that assignment. The second board that I have displays all my overall personal goals. On this board I will have an outline of all my personal goals and alongside my outline I have all possible obstacles that I may face on my journey. Knowing that no one thing can be perfect, alongside my obstacles I have possible solutions. In conclusion, achieving my personal goals will take a great deal of will power on my part. I have established personal goals that are realistic to my needs. .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .postImageUrl , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:hover , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:visited , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:active { border:0!important; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:active , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Steroids4 Essay I just did not set forth a bunch of things that I want to accomplish as a student at the University of Phoenix, but a couple of goals that will allow me to accomplish a great deal in between. After graduating my undergraduate program in business management with honors, I will then set goals and work towards completing my .

Monday, December 2, 2019

There Is No Single Answer As To Why The Nazis Were Able To Gain So Muc

There is no single answer as to why the Nazis were able to gain so much support during the 1920's; there are several, and people still argue about them. Some people - especially during the Second World War - suggested that the Nazi movement grew out of something basically wrong in the German character. However, modern historians recognise that a combination of factors such as Hitler's personality and mesmerising oratory skills, the problems with the Weimar Republic, the Nazi's effective use of propaganda, Hitler's exploitation of the Dolchstoss myth and the German people's fear of communism and the Great Depression all aided the National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP, or Nazi Party) in attracting growing support throughout the 1920's. According to Robert Gibson and Jon Nichol in their book Germany, the reasons for Hitler's success were: 1. The Nazi Party was well organised; 2. People feared the Communists; 3. Hitler was a good speaker; 4. Few people like the governments of the Weimar Republic; 5. Hitler's ideas were popular; 6. There was an agricultural depression; 7. There was mass unemployment; 8. The Communists thought that the Social Democrats were a greater danger than the Nazis; 9. Industrialists supported Hitler. These and other factors all contributed to the increasing support of the Nazi Party in the 1920's. Hitler, the leader of the NSDAP, was suave, charismatic and always impressive. He would always arrive at functions and meetings in a Mercedes and had extensive visits to the most exclusive hotels in Germany. Hitler had a very memorable personality, and it has been stated that There is no question that it was the personality of Hitler that held the NSDAP together ... and was the party's main weapon. Hitler was above all of this a passionate and emotive speaker who, some would argue, captured his audiences' attention with greater ease than any other figure in history. He shone in print and positively dazzled on the lecture platform. Even an American journalist realised Hitler's ability to grasp people's attention with his speeches, and commented that When, at the climax [of a speech] he sways from one side to the other his listeners sway with him; when he leans forward and when ends they are either awed or silent or on their feet in a frenzy. Hitler's remarkable ability to capture and entrance his audiences is demonstrated by the fact that Hitler, unlike any of his contemporaries, could actually charge admission for his speeches! Obviously, the fact that Hitler was such a popular speaker was a major reason why the Nazi Party was able to attract growing support in the 1920's. Hitler's impressive nature was a major contributing factor to the Nazi Party's electoral landslides in the late twenties. Although the war was over, the militarism and fondness for military tradition remained strong in Germany. With their processions, military bands, leaflets and sheer energy, the Nazis attracted massive interest and appealed to the soft spot that many Germans had for the Prussian military style, with discipline and pride. The marches, often by the SA (Nazi Storm troopers), had a huge presence and were very impressive. Albert Speer, a leading Nazi made the comment: my mother saw a Storm Trooper parade ... the sight of discipline in a time of chaos, the impression of energy in an atmosphere of universal hopelessness, seems to have won her over also. The sight of these parades was very emotive for some German people, and those who respected the militaristic values that Germany had previously stood for were very supportive of Hitler. The ideal of discipline appealed to many, and although the Nazi Party was quite small, it was a tightly controlled, highly disciplined organisation. This is one reason why the Nazis gained growing support during the 1920's. The opportunity of serving in the SA gave unemployed men the opportunity to at least earn a few pfennigs. In this manner, the Nazis were gaining support from the unemployed who traditionally favoured the socialists and communists. This is also an example of why the Nazis continued to grow in popularity as they were able to attract Germans from the right who appreciated the militarism displayed, whilst also attracting those from the left - unemployed men exciting at the opportunity to do something worthwhile. Kurt Ludecke, who personally knew Hitler