Thursday, December 26, 2019

What to Do If You Hate Your College Roommate

Frustrated with your roommate? Think he or she might be frustrated with you? Roommate conflicts are, unfortunately, part of many peoples college experiences, and they can be incredibly stressful. With a little patience and communication, though, it doesnt have to be the end of the roommate-relationship. At the same time, these same skill-sets  can go a long way toward determining if it would be best for each of you to find new roommates. Does Your Roommate Think Theres a Problem? If you think youre having roommate problems, there is one of two things going on: your roommate knows it, too, or your roommate is completely clueless. Things may be tense when the two of you are together in the room; conversely, your roommate may have no idea how frustrated you are at how often he finishes off your cereal after rugby practice. If your roommate isnt aware of the problem, make sure you know what it is thats really bugging you, before you try to address it with them. Get Clear About Your Issues In a space other than your room, sit and think about what is really frustrating you. Try writing down what is frustrating you the most. Is your roommate not respecting your space and/or things? Is she coming home late and making a lot of noise? Having too many people over too often? Instead of writing down last week, she ate all of my food AGAIN, try to think about patterns. Something like she doesnt respect my space and stuff, even though Ive asked her to might address the problem more and be easier for your roommate to handle. Address the Problem Once youve figured out the main issues, try to talk to your roommate at a time that is good for both of you. Its a very good idea to try to set this time in advance. Ask if you can talk when you are both done with morning classes on Wednesday, on Saturday at 2 p.m., etc. Set a specific time so that this weekend doesnt come and go without the two of you talking. Chances are, your roommate knows that you guys need to talk, so give him a few days to possibly put his thoughts together, too. On the same note, however, if you dont feel comfortable talking to your roommate directly, thats okay, too. But you do need to address it. If you live on campus, talk to your RA (Resident Adviser) or other hall staff member. They are trained to help residents with roommate problems and will know what to do, even if you dont. Speak Your Mind...But Listen, Too Using the list and notes you made, and possibly in a conversation facilitated by an RA, let your roommate know how you are feeling. Try not to attack your roommate too much, no matter how frustrated you are. Try using language that addresses the problem, not the person. For example, instead of saying, I cant believe how selfish you are when it comes to my things, try saying, It really frustrates me that you borrow my clothes without asking. The more you verbally attack your roommate (or anyone else, for that matter), the more her defenses are going to go up. Take a deep breath and say what you need to in a way that is constructive and respectful. After all, youd want the same from your roommate, right? And, as hard as it may be, try to listen to what your roommate has to say without getting defensive or interrupting. It may take you biting your cheeks, sitting on your hands, or mentally pretending that youre talking on a tropical beach, but do your best. Your roommate may have some valid reasons behind whats going on and be frustrated, too. The only way you are going to get to the bottom of everything is to put it out on the table, talk about it, and see what you can do. Youre in college now; its time to address this like the adult that you are. If youre having an RA facilitate the conversation, let him or her take the lead. If its just you and your roommate, try to address the things you both said in a way that can satisfy everyone. Most likely, you both wont leave 100% happy, but ideally, you can both leave feeling relieved and ready to move on. After the Discussion After you guys talk, things may be a little awkward. Which is, of course, fine and totally normal. Unless there are issues that you just cannot tolerate, give your roommate a little time to make the changes you discussed. He may be so used to how things have been going for two months that it will be hard to stop doing some of the things he didnt even know drove you nuts. Be patient, but also make it clear that you two came to an agreement and he needs to keep his end of the deal, too. Moving Out If things just arent working out, its not the end of the world. It doesnt mean you or your roommate did anything wrong. Some people just dont live well together! It may be that you both are much better friends than roommates. Or that you will rarely talk to each other for the rest of your time at school. Any situation is fine, as long as you feel safe and ready to move on. If you decide that you just cant stick with your roommate for the rest of the year, figure out what to do next. If you live on campus, talk to your RA again. If you live off campus, figure out what your options are in terms of the lease and relocating. You arent the first person ever to have a problem with a roommate; there are undoubtedly resources already available on campus to help you transition out. Regardless, do your best to remain civil and respectful, and know that your next living situation probably has nowhere to go but up!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Leadership Models And Organizational Culture - 852 Words

Leadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a solid foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminate these principles throughout the organization. This paper will present ethical leadership models as tools for shaping organizational culture. An overview of which leadership models, styles, and traits are most commonly accepted as ethical across the greatest array of social cultures. This document will culminate with a selection of a particular†¦show more content†¦Strategic Leadership The ability to influence others to commit to accomplishing organizational goals and objectives is the fundamental basis of strategic leadership. The objective of strategic leadership is to develop long-term success for a going concern. This cannot be accomplished without developing a financially stable organization. Executives are required to formulate, implement a nd evaluate strategic initiatives in order to build sustainability into the fiber of the organization. Strategic leadership requires the leader to think in the abstract and make unprogrammed decisions in planning the future of the organization. Cultural Leadership Style Every organization must strive to attain the highest level of excellence without breaking ethical principles. This requires a strong participative culture of tolerance and respect for diversity. Leaders cannot be autocratic but inspirational in their relationship with subordinates. Research by Johansson, Miller Hamrin (2014) found leaders who developed effective, synchronous communication lines and utilize them to share their vision with subordinates were most effective. Subordinates were more responsive to the leader’s vision when communication was initiated through memos, meetings and email. Leadership, Ethics and Social Cultures Research by Sheppard, Sarros Santora (2013) and Surijah (2016) identify two primary leadershipShow MoreRelatedLeadership Models And Organizational Culture885 Words   |  4 Pages Leadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminating these principles throughout the organization. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Personal Goals as a Student at the University of P Essay Example For Students

Personal Goals as a Student at the University of P Essay hoenix Personal Goals as a Student at the University of P Essayhoenix Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University of Phoenix enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management. As a student at the university, I now have to set personal goals so that I will be successful in my endeavors. My personal goals are to gain personal growth and development and graduate from my undergraduate program in business management with honors. After my completion of the undergraduate program I will then move on to a masters program. To accomplish my goal of personal growth and development, I will make sure that by the end of every course I take I will have a full understanding of the subject matter. This is where I will take advantage of the learning teams that are offered in conjunction with individual learning. The way I look at the learning teams is that they are there for me to learn and share experiences with my peers. If there is something that I do not fully understand, I can in turn go to my learning team for the answer. If I cannot get the answer from my team then I will go to the instructor. I will not stop until I have a full understanding of what we are studying. My learning will be easier if I apply what I learn on a day-to-day basis. This will occur when I apply what I have learned in the workplace, helping me master and apply the knowledge that I have learned. The most important to me while attending the University of Phoenix is to graduate with honors. I know that I have the potential and what it takes to accomplish this. In order to graduate with honors I will have to study and prioritize, taking my education seriously. By taking my academic affairs seriously and being a positive influence on myself, I know that I will achieve my goals. This means that I will have to complete all assignments, assuring accuracy and the quality of my work. Assuring that I complete all assignments, I will also need to do all assignments before they are due. This will allow me time to make sure that all corrections are done prior to me turning the assignments in. To help me along my journey to success, I have made two colorful, eye catching boards that I will allow myself to look at everyday. The first goal board that I have is a weekly board that I will use for each class. On this board I will have my individual weekly assignments and my team weekly assignments with start and due dates. Also I will have contact numbers and email addresses for people who will benefit me in my course. This would include all my classmates, teammates, and instructor. As I complete an assignment I will draw a line through that assignment. The second board that I have displays all my overall personal goals. On this board I will have an outline of all my personal goals and alongside my outline I have all possible obstacles that I may face on my journey. Knowing that no one thing can be perfect, alongside my obstacles I have possible solutions. In conclusion, achieving my personal goals will take a great deal of will power on my part. I have established personal goals that are realistic to my needs. .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .postImageUrl , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:hover , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:visited , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:active { border:0!important; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:active , .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681 .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uee3ab7ade4144f58c5f2043662802681:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Steroids4 Essay I just did not set forth a bunch of things that I want to accomplish as a student at the University of Phoenix, but a couple of goals that will allow me to accomplish a great deal in between. After graduating my undergraduate program in business management with honors, I will then set goals and work towards completing my .

Monday, December 2, 2019

There Is No Single Answer As To Why The Nazis Were Able To Gain So Muc

There is no single answer as to why the Nazis were able to gain so much support during the 1920's; there are several, and people still argue about them. Some people - especially during the Second World War - suggested that the Nazi movement grew out of something basically wrong in the German character. However, modern historians recognise that a combination of factors such as Hitler's personality and mesmerising oratory skills, the problems with the Weimar Republic, the Nazi's effective use of propaganda, Hitler's exploitation of the Dolchstoss myth and the German people's fear of communism and the Great Depression all aided the National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP, or Nazi Party) in attracting growing support throughout the 1920's. According to Robert Gibson and Jon Nichol in their book Germany, the reasons for Hitler's success were: 1. The Nazi Party was well organised; 2. People feared the Communists; 3. Hitler was a good speaker; 4. Few people like the governments of the Weimar Republic; 5. Hitler's ideas were popular; 6. There was an agricultural depression; 7. There was mass unemployment; 8. The Communists thought that the Social Democrats were a greater danger than the Nazis; 9. Industrialists supported Hitler. These and other factors all contributed to the increasing support of the Nazi Party in the 1920's. Hitler, the leader of the NSDAP, was suave, charismatic and always impressive. He would always arrive at functions and meetings in a Mercedes and had extensive visits to the most exclusive hotels in Germany. Hitler had a very memorable personality, and it has been stated that There is no question that it was the personality of Hitler that held the NSDAP together ... and was the party's main weapon. Hitler was above all of this a passionate and emotive speaker who, some would argue, captured his audiences' attention with greater ease than any other figure in history. He shone in print and positively dazzled on the lecture platform. Even an American journalist realised Hitler's ability to grasp people's attention with his speeches, and commented that When, at the climax [of a speech] he sways from one side to the other his listeners sway with him; when he leans forward and when ends they are either awed or silent or on their feet in a frenzy. Hitler's remarkable ability to capture and entrance his audiences is demonstrated by the fact that Hitler, unlike any of his contemporaries, could actually charge admission for his speeches! Obviously, the fact that Hitler was such a popular speaker was a major reason why the Nazi Party was able to attract growing support in the 1920's. Hitler's impressive nature was a major contributing factor to the Nazi Party's electoral landslides in the late twenties. Although the war was over, the militarism and fondness for military tradition remained strong in Germany. With their processions, military bands, leaflets and sheer energy, the Nazis attracted massive interest and appealed to the soft spot that many Germans had for the Prussian military style, with discipline and pride. The marches, often by the SA (Nazi Storm troopers), had a huge presence and were very impressive. Albert Speer, a leading Nazi made the comment: my mother saw a Storm Trooper parade ... the sight of discipline in a time of chaos, the impression of energy in an atmosphere of universal hopelessness, seems to have won her over also. The sight of these parades was very emotive for some German people, and those who respected the militaristic values that Germany had previously stood for were very supportive of Hitler. The ideal of discipline appealed to many, and although the Nazi Party was quite small, it was a tightly controlled, highly disciplined organisation. This is one reason why the Nazis gained growing support during the 1920's. The opportunity of serving in the SA gave unemployed men the opportunity to at least earn a few pfennigs. In this manner, the Nazis were gaining support from the unemployed who traditionally favoured the socialists and communists. This is also an example of why the Nazis continued to grow in popularity as they were able to attract Germans from the right who appreciated the militarism displayed, whilst also attracting those from the left - unemployed men exciting at the opportunity to do something worthwhile. Kurt Ludecke, who personally knew Hitler

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Women

Divided We Stand Together We Fall Men in the most part in today's culture have no clue of what is going on in the daily travails of a woman's life. Not too many men are out there advocating for equality of woman amongst the masses. Now in the song Beautiful Skin, Goodie Mobb, focuses on woman respecting themselves to make men respect them. They say in the chorus that they must respect themselves first before the man can. The song particularly makes black woman the bulls eye for his lyrics, who amongst the woman in America have little or no voice at all. The reason the song mainly focuses on black woman is for the oppression she has faced through the years of being held captive in slavery and the horrors she had to face then and now. These horrible wrongs committed against the black woman made her enemy to the white woman in a struggle of identity and culture. The black woman is in a culture where her hair is not beautiful in its natural form, instead it must be straightened for her beauty to shine through. Th e black woman was as we all know raped by her owners (black and white), and were hated by the wife's of these slave owners for the forced adultery on them. This made the house wife who had no rights just privileges despise her slave and oppress her even more. The woman of this country must be strong and I think that Goddie Mobb tries to convey to men and woman alike that the imaged portrayed to be is nothing more than a way to weaken and null the since of self respect and dignity. The poem brings up many points on women covering their bodies to make men in theory respect them for the beings that they are. And in that it brings forth a way of thought for men to reflect on and recite in their hearts. The poem calls for woman to respect themselves but never says truly how, and this is where The Laugh of Medusa, by Helene Cixous, comes to play. Cixous, brings to the table action along with her word. In her philoso... Free Essays on Women Free Essays on Women This is a good book, it shows, by careful research of an open-ended kind, that women's intellectual development does not follow the same path as that of men, particularly as outlined in the influential research of William Perry. Perry traced, in college students, a progression from basic dualism to passive learning, to an appreciation of multiplicity of views, to a subjectivism which says that my opinion is as good as any other, to a relativism subordinate, where the objectivity of an academic discipline is respected as a way of knowing, to a full appreciation of relativism, where it becomes the real way a person thinks, and not just something adopted within a discipline. Knowledge is therefore constructed, not given - that is the final stage of learning. This all sounded likely enough, but it made abstract objectivity the only way forward, and this seemed to be a repeat of much the same error as Carol Gilligan had found in the research on ethical outlooks of Lawrence ! Kohlberg. Gilligan, a former co-worker of Kohlberg, had shown that his scoring system did not do justice to the ethic of care, responsibility and connectedness which many women adhered to in their thinking. It focussed strictly on questions of abstract truth and justice, and again the emphasis was on objectivity. What the authors found in their research on women was a somewhat different developmental model. The first and most basic position they found was silence. Many women had simply been silenced, firstly by their own families and then by their husbands and other men. They had no voice and did not acknowledge any right to think. The second position was received knowledge, gained from listening to the voices of others. Women at this stage had no respect for their own opinions and regarded other people and books as the source of all knowledge. I say "stage", but the authors of this book are much less confident than Perry or Kohlberg that these positi... Free Essays on Women Divided We Stand Together We Fall Men in the most part in today's culture have no clue of what is going on in the daily travails of a woman's life. Not too many men are out there advocating for equality of woman amongst the masses. Now in the song Beautiful Skin, Goodie Mobb, focuses on woman respecting themselves to make men respect them. They say in the chorus that they must respect themselves first before the man can. The song particularly makes black woman the bulls eye for his lyrics, who amongst the woman in America have little or no voice at all. The reason the song mainly focuses on black woman is for the oppression she has faced through the years of being held captive in slavery and the horrors she had to face then and now. These horrible wrongs committed against the black woman made her enemy to the white woman in a struggle of identity and culture. The black woman is in a culture where her hair is not beautiful in its natural form, instead it must be straightened for her beauty to shine through. Th e black woman was as we all know raped by her owners (black and white), and were hated by the wife's of these slave owners for the forced adultery on them. This made the house wife who had no rights just privileges despise her slave and oppress her even more. The woman of this country must be strong and I think that Goddie Mobb tries to convey to men and woman alike that the imaged portrayed to be is nothing more than a way to weaken and null the since of self respect and dignity. The poem brings up many points on women covering their bodies to make men in theory respect them for the beings that they are. And in that it brings forth a way of thought for men to reflect on and recite in their hearts. The poem calls for woman to respect themselves but never says truly how, and this is where The Laugh of Medusa, by Helene Cixous, comes to play. Cixous, brings to the table action along with her word. In her philoso... Free Essays on Women Introduction Abstract Women in the world of mathematics is a subject that people rarely hear about. The only time they do is if she’s math teacher. What many do not know is that women have made extremely important contributions to the world of mathematics. Women have been documented to be involved in mathematics since as early as the fifth century A.D. Famous Women Mathematicians Women such as: Hypatia, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Sophie Germain, Emmy Noether, Ruth Moufang and Sun-Yung Alice Chang. These women have lived through difficult times such as women’s oppression, the French Revolution, World War I and II, which included Hitler’s administration over women’s schooling, and social prejudices. However, this did not stop their yearning for math. These women combined have earned many different awards, specifically ones usually given to men. They have conquered the biases people have had towards them and made what they do best count. Many of their theorems and equations are still used today, and some are even being perfected by others. It is important to educate children about women in mathematics. Many children think of mathematicians as men and that is totally untrue. That thought could possibly contribute to the fact that women are less likely to enter the mathematics field compared to men. This is because they are not educated properly on the subject and are not given the opportunity to excel. There are many more women in mathematics than mentioned above, but those women are very important to mathematics. Contributions In the world of mathematics, there are many women mathematicians who have made significant contributions to the field. From as early as 370 AD, women have been contributing to the study of equations, theorems and even solving problems that have deemed themselves in the mathematical world as impossible. Because of the time period these women lived, many were not recognized for their achievement; ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019


YOU CANNOT FORCE LIKE I wrote a blog post recently about how readers can help authors on Amazon. You are reading my blog, right? One of the suggestions involved clicking the little orange and white thumbs-up hand so that it turns gray, liking the book page, or the author page. Its a simple gesture to tell the author youve been there and appreciate what they are doing. Those types of likes are easy and have become more etiquette that critical in nature. Some likes, however, arent so clean and simple. For example, people liking your book, blog, articles, or even your Facebook notes. Someone out there is going to disagree about whether your are talented. While many of my readers loved to hate Alan, a character in Lowcountry Bribe, one painted him as too shallow and one-dimensional. So guess what I agonized over for a day or two? Then theres the other side of the coin, when you dont like others work. I belong to two writers groups. Eventually, a member introduces a piece I just cannot connect with. Maybe its the genre, the plot, even the dialogue, but it does not click. Sometimes the clash is such that I really dont want to critique it, knowing Ill be frustrated having to trudge through it and come out on the other end not having enjoyed the trip. For instance, someone Facebook messaged me a couple weeks ago, proud about his book release. I congratulated him. He then asked, Will you buy it? I glanced at the title, then the Amazon page. It was a how-to improve your life message. I replied that I was swamped with books to read at present with 30 on my nightstand and who-knows-how-many on my Kindle. He replied, Will you read it in a few weeks? I finally replied, Sorry. Im in a good place with my life, so I dont need self-help material. It just wasnt something I wanted to read. Then theres the bestseller list that everyone oohs and aahs over. I dont like many of them. As blasphemous as it may sound, I do not like to read Barbara Kingsolver. I do not think shell lose sleep over that, either. My moneys on the probability that she doesnt like my work either. Sometimes readers will buy a bestseller thinking its properly vetted and is a one-size-fits-all good read. Bestsellers are no different than the other books in the world when it comes to fans and non-fans. Nobody can write for all readers. Granted, that celebrity frenzy and strong word-of-mouth drive can sell a lot of books. And finally, you do not have to like all the classics. I love mysteries. Ill read Poe and Doyle. But when I finally find thetime to sit down with a book, to sip tea and relax at the end of my day, I want a story that carries me away. War and Peace aint gonna do it for me. Do not be afraid to dislike writing. At the same time, do not take it personally when someone dislikes yours. Avoid callingthem names and wishing ill-harm to their families. We cant read or like all books. What a boring world that would be . . . without diversity . . . without the effort of discovery . . . without the free rein to seek and find the authors that reallymake us happy to jump into a story.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES - Essay Example In addition to its aesthetic beauty of multicoloured carbonate roofs and floors dark-coloured lava walls, fortress-like Seongsan Ilchulbong tuff cone, rising out of the ocean and a dramatic landscape, is Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes contains an unequalled quality of Geomunoreum lava tube system. In addition the magnificent exhibition of diverse and accessible volcanic features is an excellent tourism attraction as it provides exhilarating beauty as well as understanding of global volcanism. Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes is declared to be a Unesco World Heritage site in June 27, 2007and is therefore protected by the convention on world heritage. Being such, the Tourism Organization controls it under cultural heritage administration. The issues that confront Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tube are management and administration issues of avoiding the potential impact of agriculture on the underground environment of the Lava Tube. Another concern is also to limit the number of visitors to the property to avoid its degradation. The property might also be extended to include other significant lava tube systems and volcanic features of Jeju that may be discovered in the future. I will visit this site. I am intrigue how could a volcano has a beautiful landscape with matching waterfalls. It may be a nice place to relax because it is nature at its finest. Perhaps it will also be a good place to understand volcanoes as it will show the most intricate lava system in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Voting Rights Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Voting Rights Act - Essay Example Section 2 allows individuals, non-governmental organizations and the attorney general to file civil actions in order to seek injunctions, preventive, and permanent relief from the section’s violation. Having noted that, many will agree that the section was destined to achieve greater heights in voter right protection than it is currently. However due to its broad text, section 2 has failed to address comprehensively the problem of discrimination in the states which have a History of discrimination, leave alone providing a lasting solution. Section 2 of the Voter Rights Act is more reactive than being proactive in the essence that often the damage has already been done to a group of voters by a state that cannot be remedied after a voting –related deadline, or an election has passed. Moreover the cost and expediency of voter rights Act enforcement under section 2 has proved to be a nightmare for the plaintiffs’ who cannot afford the resources required to litigate fact-intensive cases. Though this has since been resolved through the partly involvement of the department of justice to essentially assume plaintiffs’ costs for section 2 suits by either initiating the action itself or intervening in support of the plaintiff, it’s still a course for concern for the cost effectiveness availed by the section. It’s well known that section 2 vote dilution standards are fairly well developed in the courts. In the section’s vote dilution cases, plaintiffs are usually required to first pass the Gingles test-from the case Thornburg v. Gingles- then an effect test. This is intended to prove that the plaintiff’s vote has been diluted based on the current voting district boundaries by proving that had the boundaries been drawn differently, the minority population would have the voting power to elect a candidate of its choice. However as earlier noted, this seems to be more of reactive than

Sunday, November 17, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example for Free

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay â€Å"It takes one step at a time. Small changes eventually add up to huge results.† Life lessons are important in the way life is understood. Without life lessons to teach the importance of life there would be much suffering and unhappiness. To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic novel written by Harper Lee. It was written in the early 1960’s about a young girl named Scout and her family about the racism that was provoked in the town. Harper Lee, in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird, illustrates three main lessons with the Tom Robinson trial: Stand up for what you believe in, racism is painful and avoid mob mentalities. One of the most important lessons in To Kill a Mockingbird is to stand up for your beliefs. The character Atticus is a promonate example Harper Lee used to express the importance of standing up for your beliefs. â€Å"Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret courts of men’s hearts Atticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her moth and screamed.† (Lee 323). Atticus throughout the novel displays the courageous and daring act of standing up for his beliefs. Atticus presented a strong defence for the coloured man, even though he knew that there was nothing he could really do. Atticus was appointed to defend Tom Robinson in his case. Atticus took the case seriously and took it upon himself to take all evidence into close examination. â€Å"This case, Tom Robinson’s case, is something that goes to the essence of a man’s conscience-Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship god if I didn’t try to help that man.† ( ). Atticus strongly defends Tom Robinson for his own personal beliefs and took this case ‘white vs. Black’ seriously and he has taken all odds against society to justify this man. Standing up for what you believe in is a strong way to under mind authorities and prove a strongly arguable point. Atticus did not end up winning the case, but he still stood up for what he believed was right and held on to those beliefs until the end. Roberts 2 Racism causes pain to so many coloured people in the 1930’s, still to this day racism affects the lives of many. The Tom Robinson case is a prime example of how racism can negatively affect the lives of many. Maycomb the town in To Kill a Mockingbird is very racial. The town folk locked Tom Robinson up for a crime he simply did not do. The men in Maycomb did not care if this man did it or not, they just wanted him to be imprisoned because of the colour of his skin. â€Å"To Maycomb, Tom’s death was typical. Typical of a niger to cut and run. Typical if a niggers mentality to have no plan, no thought for the future, just run blind first chance he saw. Atticus Finch might’ve got him off scot free, but wait-Hell no. You know how they are. Easy come, easy go. Just shows you, that Robinson boy was legally married, they say he kept himself clean, went to church and all that, but when it comes down to the line the veneers mighty thin. Nigger always comes out in ‘em.’’ ( ). Tom died because he was convicted of a crime committed by a white man. Tom was sent to jail, and first chance at free dome so he ran, ending himself with 17 bullet shots in him. Anger when associated with racism can drive a man insane. Bob Ewell let both of them get to him. â€Å"Mr. Finch-wasn’t crazy, mean as hell. Low-down skunk with enough liquor in him to make him brave enough to kill children. He’d never have met you face to face.† ( ). All just because Atticus was appointed to defend Tom Robinson in his case, Bob Ewell got angry. Bob Ewell was furious with modem to kill because in the trail, Atticus’ defence for Tom Robison was rather embarrassing for Bob Ewell. Atticus made an embarrassment of Bob Ewell by presenting the jury and the courtroom to the evidence that clearly indicates that Bob Ewell was the one who abused Mayella. Bob Ewell being mad he had enough modem to go after Atticus’ children just because he did his job and defended a black man. Racism is still painful to many today. Harper Lee expresses the real pain behind racism in To Kill a Mockingbird. The white men of Maycomb posses mob mentalities which Harper Lee presents as despicable. All of Maycomb County think that black people are so different, but in reality no one is here to tell everyone who can be better or not. â€Å"A quiet, respectable, humble Negro who had the unmitigated temerity to ‘feel sorry’ for a white woman has to put his word against two white people’s. Need not remind you of their appearance and conduct on the stand-you saw them for yourselves. The witnesses for the state, with the exception of the Sheriff of Maycomb County, have presented themselves to you gentlemen, to this court, in the cynical confidence that their testimony would not be doubted, confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption-the evil assumption-that all Negros lie, that all Negros are basically immortal beings, that all negro man are not to be trusted around women, an assumption one associates with minds of their caliber.† (273). Maycomb judges coloured people on the colour of their skin and not what really matters. Tom Robinson was brutally exposed to racism and never got the chance to live it down. Atticus is very well to avoid mob mentalities. Atticus makes a point of making what he wants to be heard, heard. Atticus is very courageous in Roberts 4 the way that he will stand up for and defend his beliefs and not follow in the same corrupt path that others are on. â€Å"I shall be brief, but I would like to use my remaining time with you to remind you that this case is not a difficult one, it requires no minute sifting of complicated facts, but it does require you to be sure beyond all reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant, To begin with, this case should never have come to trial. This case is as simple as black and white.† (271) Atticus actually took the time to consider all the evidence in the Tom Robinson case. Atticus presented his evidence before the jury and he strongly believed that it was not Tom Robinson. Atticus did not follow in the ways of others with no just assuming that because he is black he did it. Atticus took into all the consideration the evidence he had pulled together to treat Tom as an equal and give him a fair defence against a white man. Mob mentalities are everywhere. People believe in anything they hear and go along with it, but it takes one person to stand up and represent those who cannot. Standing up for what you believe in, racism is painful and avoiding mob mentalities are really important life lessons that Harper Lee expresses throughout the novel, epically in the Tom Robinson trial. Harper Lee incorporated life lessons into her novel to teach the reader the importance in knowing right from wrong and to teach you things you may not learn in schooling. History is full of examples of people that kept making the same mistakes because they fail to learn the first time. Life lessons are everywhere, you learn something new every day that builds your character and defines who you are as a person.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

an’s Sexual Theme Throughout subsequent editions of Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman introduces and revises his controversial theme of sexuality. Whitman wanted to celebrate sexuality and did so with homosexual overtones. Any work will be considered controversial if it contains sexuality, but up until the mid-18th century homosexuality was yet to be coined a sexual identity. Throughout Whitman’s eight editions of Leaves of Grass (1855-1891-92), controversy arouse, stating his poetry contained trashy and obscene sexual language. Whitman argued the public was placing too much emphasis on the sexual content and not fully embracing his work as a whole. He held too much pride to blatantly change or censor his work but over time did make subtle alterations and omission of lines (Killingsworth). Early on, Whitman was inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1843 essay, The Poet (â€Å"Author Profile.†). Emerson called for an American poet to also celebrate the spirit and nature of man, to celebra te individualism instead of embracing the social order of things (Willcox). Whitman, optimistic with the new changes in American literature, set out to answer Emerson and embarked on a journey of becoming a very unique and great American poet (â€Å"Author Profile.†). Whitman experimented constantly with his editions of Leaves of Grass. Although the more blatantly obvious changes included his design through binding, paper size, and font style, the more thought provoking changes occurred overtime through revision. Upon completing, he sent out numerous review copies of his first edition receiving a notable response from Ralph Waldo Emerson welcoming him, â€Å"at the beginning of a greet career.† (Baym 22). Besides Emerson’s quick, uplifting response it was considere... in poetic style was difficult for his contemporaries to overcome, especially deriving from Whitman himself. His bolder topics and greater focus on nature and man is what fueled his poetry. Besides his written poems, Whitman gave off this sense of everyday life through his frontispiece and title page of the first edition of Leaves of Grass. An image of Whitman himself is the frontispiece, bearded, one arm â€Å"akimbo,† hand in pocket, workingman’s hat on his slightly cocked head, shirt unbuttoned at his collar, looking directly at the reader (Baym 21). His self-presentation of a rough working man was seen as absurdly unconventional for an artist. But that’s just what Whitman wanted, he wanted to stir the pot and make people think differently. This frontispiece provides a very powerful lead-in to how Whitman was reshaping poetry to a more naturalistic perspective. Essay -- an’s Sexual Theme Throughout subsequent editions of Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman introduces and revises his controversial theme of sexuality. Whitman wanted to celebrate sexuality and did so with homosexual overtones. Any work will be considered controversial if it contains sexuality, but up until the mid-18th century homosexuality was yet to be coined a sexual identity. Throughout Whitman’s eight editions of Leaves of Grass (1855-1891-92), controversy arouse, stating his poetry contained trashy and obscene sexual language. Whitman argued the public was placing too much emphasis on the sexual content and not fully embracing his work as a whole. He held too much pride to blatantly change or censor his work but over time did make subtle alterations and omission of lines (Killingsworth). Early on, Whitman was inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1843 essay, The Poet (â€Å"Author Profile.†). Emerson called for an American poet to also celebrate the spirit and nature of man, to celebra te individualism instead of embracing the social order of things (Willcox). Whitman, optimistic with the new changes in American literature, set out to answer Emerson and embarked on a journey of becoming a very unique and great American poet (â€Å"Author Profile.†). Whitman experimented constantly with his editions of Leaves of Grass. Although the more blatantly obvious changes included his design through binding, paper size, and font style, the more thought provoking changes occurred overtime through revision. Upon completing, he sent out numerous review copies of his first edition receiving a notable response from Ralph Waldo Emerson welcoming him, â€Å"at the beginning of a greet career.† (Baym 22). Besides Emerson’s quick, uplifting response it was considere... in poetic style was difficult for his contemporaries to overcome, especially deriving from Whitman himself. His bolder topics and greater focus on nature and man is what fueled his poetry. Besides his written poems, Whitman gave off this sense of everyday life through his frontispiece and title page of the first edition of Leaves of Grass. An image of Whitman himself is the frontispiece, bearded, one arm â€Å"akimbo,† hand in pocket, workingman’s hat on his slightly cocked head, shirt unbuttoned at his collar, looking directly at the reader (Baym 21). His self-presentation of a rough working man was seen as absurdly unconventional for an artist. But that’s just what Whitman wanted, he wanted to stir the pot and make people think differently. This frontispiece provides a very powerful lead-in to how Whitman was reshaping poetry to a more naturalistic perspective.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Company Aytch: A Confederate Memoir of the Civil War

Writing Assignment : Company Aytch History 101/ Company Aytch is a book that depicts the idealistic memory of a young confederate of the Civil War named Sam Watkins. Some historians articulate towards Watkins having insufficiency of precise facts and sometimes alteration or exaggeration on certain issues. Watkins & Inge, Introduction) However, it is important to appreciate that Sam Watkins was a survivor that has revealed his recollection of the battles as he has experienced them, and although some may believe his memory has some deficiencies he has a real life testimony that cannot be too farfetched from the reality of the life of a soldier during the Civil War. Sam Watkins was born on the 26th day of June on his father’s farm in Columbia Tennessee where he worked during his youth.There is not much told about other work experiences other than Sam working as a clerk in a local store until he enlisted with Company H of the First Tennessee Infantry in the year of 1861. Sam was o nly 21 years old, a young confederate, and at this time many signs of war were uprising between the North and the South. (Watkins & Inge, Introduction). His entry is the beginning of the memoirs told by Sam Watkins, an ordinary soldier, not of any high rank, which indeed gives the reader another perspective of the reality of the battles faced during the Civil War.Furthermore, it broadens the view of the emotional triumph a frontline soldier and what they went through rather than focusing on the higher ranking officers. Watkins tells in great detail his experiences and writes of his historical remembrances years later, but he never hides the fact that he is writing solely on his memory and what he saw. In addition to him repeatedly reminding the reader that he writes of his recollections only, he also reminds the reader that what he writes is true.Furthermore, he encourages the reader to refer to history for other historical facts. Later in the report I will tell of an occurrence tha t gives the reader an idea of what Sam Watkins’ soul is all about and directs one to believe in his testimony of truths. Sam Watkins shares with people so many different experiences during the war that it is hard to write what may have affected him the most. He writes of many things that he has been through like starving, suffering through harsh weathers, the triumphs and losses of each attle; he watched death occur repeatedly, he tells how he could feel the angel of death upon them, he talks of good friends, and speaks of his true love back home, he tells about fears he has, and also the pride of serving. In all of his writings it is hard to believe he can recall so much in great detail and it is understandable for one to question exaggeration or the precise details. For example, Watkins quoted poems, songs, and some speeches.None of these were hard to believe because if his recollection was not exactly word for word it was probably pretty close to the point. This goes for h is details during the battles as well. All in all his character speaks of loyalty to his troops, to his people, to his love and to God regardless of the circumstance. It is apparent that Watkins is affected by the deaths of several friends and leaders in every battle. He makes sure to speak of the men that lost their lives in very high regards.He gives not only the great leaders honor, but he includes the ordinary soldiers with no rank, an extraordinary honor in his book. Also, in giving them the respect by reiterating that these men were good and died for their people and they are now in heaven, Watkins gives explicit detail of how the men were injured and to the extreme they suffered. In doing this he makes the reader value what each man went through and makes their honor that much greater despite the reasons for the Civil War.It appears that he tries to recollect at his best, the names of all he could, but explains that he does not write of the names he is unsure of, in order to keep correctness and credit to the places it was due, as he would not want to discredit any man. One particular incident that seemed to have struck Watkins with much emotion and must have had a huge impact on his soul was the hanging of two spies. Watkins explains he goes to the hanging to see to Yankee spies get hung; soon he realizes the spies were not Yankee men, but very young boys around the ages of 14 and 16.He states this â€Å"I was appalled; I was horrified; nay, more I was sick at heart† (Watkins, p. 74). This clearly makes him sick and reading about the two kids being hung, envisioning this incident is heart breaking. Could anyone imagine being there and watching this happen first hand and not having the means to do anything to stop it? This occasion that Watkins writes about depicts the impact that it had on him plus it shows the severity and harshness of the war.The incident that tells so much about the morality of Sam Watkins is the story of the hog. After Sam a nd a few other men from his infantry ate with a poor lady, the other men killed and stole her hog while Sam was inside talking with her. Sam appears to help with this incident during the escape back across the river, but he truly was not okay with this. This horrible theft weighed on Sam Watkins’ conscience. He could not even eat the hog as he felt guilty for what had happened.Sam then makes a special trip back to see the poor widowed woman so that he could repay her for what they had done. Although, the woman did not accept his offer at first, he insisted on making the situation right (Watkins & Inge, p. 108-110). This is the incident that really shows what kind of things impacted Sam Watkins. It was not only the life and death of the battles of the Civil War he cared and spoke about, but he had values and cared for others. This particular incident opened the readers view to see the honesty and sincerity of Sam Watkins’ soul.Finally the surrender of the Army of the So uth happened and Watkins was free of the physical Battles of War, free to be with his true love. Yet even the surrender saddens him to a degree and has an impact on him as he encompasses all of what took place during these four years of the Civil War from beginning to the end in which he eventually wrote about in the book that was read, Company Aytch (Watkins & Inge, p, 213-214). Reference Watkins, Sam R and Inge, Thomas M. (November 1, 1999) Company Aytch: Or a Side Show of the Big Show. Retrieved November 2012.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

‘Still I Rise

Maya Angelinos famous poem ‘Still I Rise' Is an Intriguing poem that shows the poet's point of view on many different Issues revolving around slavery and racism towards African-Americans. Maya Angelo was born on the 24th April, 1 928 and In 1978 she wrote the poem ‘Still I Rise'. She is known as the Global Renaissance Woman for being a warrior to earn equality, tolerance and peace.She herself is an African-American Oman who experienced racial discrimination. Maya expresses her experiences towards these issues in her writing. Introduction Talk about the context of your poem, including: The poet's life Important events in the time period If you are doing a song, you may play some of It. However, you must still read It as If It were a poem. Maya Angelo wrote this poem to show oppressors that no matter what they say or do, she will keep rising up.She gives a message to all African-Americans to have argue and confidence, to stand up to their oppressors and display to them that they are proud of whom they are. Audience and purpose The tone of the poem suggests that she is determined to get to where she wants to go and that she is proud and sure of what she is doing. The repetition of ‘I rise' conveys that she will rise higher than the oppressor and challenge him to keep her down. But, the fact that It's repeated shows that she has to do it more than once and it makes you feel frustrated and sorry for her.She also Inspires you with her resistance to prove her point and you feel triumphant when she finally gets there. Talk about the mood and tone of the poem. Use evidence from the poem to make your points. Quatrains are used for most of the poem with a rhyme scheme of ABACA which makes this poem is a ballad. But, in the last stanza it changes to emphasis the idea that she will rise. She writes, ‘Up from a past that's rooted in pain, I rise' and then later on in the stanza ‘Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear, I rise'.Here she is saying that he will move on and forget her struggles and misfortunes and become a new person who will be Jubilant and untroubled. Talk about the structure and form of the poem. Does It have a rhyme scheme? What Is Its meter (rhythmic pattern)? (such as assonance, alliteration, meter) are used? Maya leaves no spaces for anyone else's voice but her own. She silences all of her oppressors and shows them that she Whose point of view is represented in the poem? Whose voice is heard? Whose voice is silenced? Conclusion Sum up the overall message of the poem. ‘Still I Rise Maya Angelinos famous poem ‘Still I Rise' Is an Intriguing poem that shows the poet's point of view on many different Issues revolving around slavery and racism towards African-Americans. Maya Angelo was born on the 24th April, 1 928 and In 1978 she wrote the poem ‘Still I Rise'. She is known as the Global Renaissance Woman for being a warrior to earn equality, tolerance and peace.She herself is an African-American Oman who experienced racial discrimination. Maya expresses her experiences towards these issues in her writing. Introduction Talk about the context of your poem, including: The poet's life Important events in the time period If you are doing a song, you may play some of It. However, you must still read It as If It were a poem. Maya Angelo wrote this poem to show oppressors that no matter what they say or do, she will keep rising up.She gives a message to all African-Americans to have argue and confidence, to stand up to their oppressors and display to them that they are proud of whom they are. Audience and purpose The tone of the poem suggests that she is determined to get to where she wants to go and that she is proud and sure of what she is doing. The repetition of ‘I rise' conveys that she will rise higher than the oppressor and challenge him to keep her down. But, the fact that It's repeated shows that she has to do it more than once and it makes you feel frustrated and sorry for her.She also Inspires you with her resistance to prove her point and you feel triumphant when she finally gets there. Talk about the mood and tone of the poem. Use evidence from the poem to make your points. Quatrains are used for most of the poem with a rhyme scheme of ABACA which makes this poem is a ballad. But, in the last stanza it changes to emphasis the idea that she will rise. She writes, ‘Up from a past that's rooted in pain, I rise' and then later on in the stanza ‘Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear, I rise'.Here she is saying that he will move on and forget her struggles and misfortunes and become a new person who will be Jubilant and untroubled. Talk about the structure and form of the poem. Does It have a rhyme scheme? What Is Its meter (rhythmic pattern)? (such as assonance, alliteration, meter) are used? Maya leaves no spaces for anyone else's voice but her own. She silences all of her oppressors and shows them that she Whose point of view is represented in the poem? Whose voice is heard? Whose voice is silenced? Conclusion Sum up the overall message of the poem.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Understanding the Appeal to Force Fallacy

Understanding the Appeal to Force Fallacy The appeal to force fallacy is a rhetorical fallacy that relies on force or intimidation (scare tactics) to persuade an audience to accept a proposition or take a particular course of action. Understanding the Fallacy In Latin, the appeal to force fallacy is referred to as argumentum ad baculum, or, literally, argument to the cudgel. Its also sometimes referred to as the appeal to fear fallacy. Essentially, the argument appeals to the possibility of undesired, negative consequences that are often - though not always - tied to some sort of frightening or violent outcome that listeners will wish to avoid. In arguments that utilize this fallacy, the logic is not sound, nor is it the sole basis of the argument. Instead, there is an appeal to negative emotions and possibilities that have not been proven. Fear and logic become tied together in the argument. The fallacy occurs when a negative consequence is assumed without definitive proof; instead, an appeal is made to the possibility of the consequence and a false or exaggerated assumption is made. This fallacious argument may be made whether or not the person making the argument truly subscribes to their own argument. For instance, consider two factions at war. The leader of Faction A sends a message to their counterpart in Faction B, requesting a parlay to discuss the possibility of negotiating peace. During the war so far, Faction A has treated captives from Faction B reasonably well. Leader B, however, tells their second-in-command that they must not meet with Leader A because Faction A will turn around and brutally kill them all. Here, the evidence is that Faction A conducts themselves with honor and would not break the terms of the temporary truce, but Leader B discredits this because he is afraid of being killed. Instead, he appeals to that shared fear to convince the rest of Faction B that he is correct, despite the fact that his belief and current evidence are in conflict with each other. There is a non-fallacious variation of this argument, however. Lets say that Person X, who is a member of Group Y, lives under an oppressive regime. X knows that, if the regime discovers they are a member of Group Y, they will be put to death. X wants to live. Therefore, X will claim to not be a member of Group Y. This is not a fallacious conclusion, since it only says that X will claim to not be part of Y, not that X is not part of Y. Examples and Observations This kind of appeal is undoubtedly persuasive in certain circumstances. The robber who threatens a persons life will probably win the argument. But there are more subtle appeals to force such as the veiled threat that ones job is on the line.(Winifred Bryan Horner, Rhetoric in the Classical Tradition, St. Martins, 1988)The most obvious sort of force is the physical threat of violence or harm. The argument distracts us from a critical review and evaluation of its premises and conclusion by putting us into a defensive position. . . .But appeals to force are not always physical threats. Appeals to psychological, financial, and social harm can be no less threatening and distracting. (Jon Stratton, Critical Thinking for College Students, Rowman Littlefield, 1999)If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy, or steal an amount of highly-enriched uranium a little larger than a single softball, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year.And if we allow that to happen, a terrible line would be crossed. Saddam Hussein would be in a position to blackmail anyone who opposes his aggression. He would be in a position to dominate the Middle East. He would be in a position to threaten America. And Saddam Hussein would be in a position to pass nuclear technology to terrorists. . . .Knowing these realities, America must not ignore the threat gathering against us. Facing clear evidence of peril, we cannot wait for the final proof - the smoking gun - that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.(President George W. Bush, October 8, 2002)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Is Class Rank What Is a Good Rank

What Is Class Rank What Is a Good Rank SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you heard of class rank but aren’t sure what it is? Maybe you want to know why class rank is important or how you can figure out what a good class rank is. And, by the way, what is a good class rank? We have answers to all these questions! Read on to learn what class rank is, how schools calculate it, and how it’s important for your future. What Is Class Rank? Class rank is a way to see how your academic achievements measure up to those of your classmates. Your class rank is determined by comparing your GPA to the GPA of people in the same grade as you. So, if you are a junior and your high school has 500 juniors, each of them will receive a number, 1-500, with the person who has the highest GPA ranked #1. If there are 500 people in your class and your class rank is 235, then 234 of your classmates have a higher GPA than you, 265 classmates have a lower GPA than you, and you are in the top half of your class. Class rank is reevaluated each grading period, whether that is semesters or trimesters at your school. So, every time new grades are added to transcripts, class rankings are updated and your rank may go up or down. How Do Different Schools Measure Class Rank? All class ranking methods involve assigning each student a number based on how their GPA compares to that of their classmates. However, there are several different ways to measure class rank. There are two main types of class rank: weighted and unweighted. Unweighted class rank determines your rank by using your unweighted GPA. Unweighted GPAs are measured on a scale of 0 to 4.0 and do not take into account the difficulty of your courses. Weighted class rank determines your rank by using your weighted GPA. Weighted GPAs usually range from a scale of 0 to 5.0 and do take the difficulty of your courses into account. So what does this mean for your ranking? If you have taken honors or AP classes, your weighted class rank will likely be better than your unweighted class rank, even if you didn’t receive A’s in all those courses. This is because more challenging courses are given a higher weight (usually a 5.0) when calculating GPAs. For unweighted class rank, a person who takes regular-level classes and receives straight A’s in them will have the same unweighted GPA and class rank as a student who took all honors and AP classes and got straight A’s in them. For unweighted GPAs, every A, no matter how difficult the course, counts as a 4.0. Some high schools provide weighted class rank, some unweighted class rank, and some provide both rankings. To learn more about unweighted vs. weighted GPAs read our guide on the topic. Your class rank also determines your class percentile. If your school does not list your percentile, it is easy to figure out. Divide your class rank by the number of students in your grade, multiply by 100, then subtract that number from 100. For example, if there are 600 students in your grade and you are ranked 120th, then you are in the 80th percentile because (120/600)*100=20, and 100-20=80. You are also in the top 20% of your class. Why Is Class Rank Important? Besides letting students know how they stack up against their classmates, class rank is used for several other reasons. #1: College Applications Class rank offers a way for colleges to see how your academic achievements compare to those of your classmates. For example, if you attend a high school that gives very few A’s and you have a transcript with mostly B’s and C’s, this may make your GPA lower than the average applicant's GPA. However, admissions officers will see by your high class rank that you were one of the best students in your grade, and this will strengthen your application. Conversely, if you have straight A’s but only took easy classes or went to a high school that gave many A’s, you may have a great GPA but your class rank will not be particularly high because a lot of your classmates received the same grades you did. Your class rank helps colleges put your GPA into context and gives them more insight into your academic abilities. Some states offer high school students guaranteed admission to state universities if they have a certain class rank. For example, Florida students are guaranteed admission to at least one in-state university if they are in the top 20% of their graduating class. #2: Scholarships Some scholarships require applicants to have achieved a certain class rank or percentile (such as top 25% of your class) in order to be applicable. Like colleges, scholarship committees may also use class rank as one criterion to judge a student’s academic abilities, along with GPA and standardized test scores. #3: High School Honors Some high schools award honors to graduating seniors who achieved a certain class rank, such as top 10% or 25% of their class. There are also honors for those at the very top of their class rankings. The graduating senior who is ranked #1 in the class is honored as the valedictorian and often gives a speech at graduation. The person ranked #2 is the salutatorian of the class. Why Do Some Schools No Longer Use Class Rank? Although class rank has long been used by colleges to help judge students’ academic skills, only about half of US high schools currently provide class rank. There are several reasons more and more schools have stopped using class rank. Some schools believe that students who just miss important percentiles, like top 10% or 25% of their class, may be unfairly disadvantaged for scholarships and college admissions. For example, a student in the top 11% of their class may have a GPA very similar to a student in the top 9%, but may not receive certain scholarships or college offers because they aren’t in the top 10% of their class. Some also feel that class rank doesn’t promote teamwork and cooperation because it makes students too competitive with each other as they vie to improve their class rank. Some schools also believe that providing class rank encourages students to take easier classes to boost their ranking, instead of challenging themselves and taking more difficult classes where they may not get an A, but may learn more. There are also schools that no longer assign a rank to each student, but only provide broad percentiles. These percentiles may divide the class into quarters and show if a particular student is in the top 25, 50, or 75% of her class. This lets you know roughly how well you are doing compared to your classmates, but you won’t know your exact class rank. Some schools also only use percentiles to designate which students are in the top 10% or 15% of their class and don’t provide percentiles for students below that cutoff. Because fewer high schools are including it on transcripts, many colleges are giving class rank less importance when they review college applications. Instead of using class rank as a critical admissions criteria, some colleges instead focus more other components of a student's transcript such as GPA or the rigor of the classes taken. You won't need to search too hard to find your class rank. How to Find Your Class Rank In order to find your class rank, first check your most recent report card or high school transcript. Your class rank should be there, usually near the bottom of the page. You should be able to see what your class rank is and how many people are in your class. Your school may also provide your percentile, as well as indicate whether your ranking is weighted or unweighted (or it may provide both). If you can’t find this information, or don’t have access to your report cards or transcripts, stop by the school office or ask your guidance counselor. They should be able to give you your class rank. If your school doesn't provide class rank, they may still be able to give you a percentile estimate. If you're interested in learning this information, try asking something like, "I would like to learn my class rank so I have a better idea of my chances for getting into college. If you can't provide my exact rank, could you tell me what rough percentile I fit into?" How to Find What Percentile You're In Many schools will list your percentile along with your rank, but if your school doesn't, it's easy to figure out. Use this formula: (1- (your class rank / number of people in your class)) * 100 = your percentile If a student is ranked 78th out of 600 people in her grade, she'd plug in those numbers and get: (1- (78 / 600)) * 100 = 87 So, she'd be in the 87th percentile. Remember, percentiles show how many people you're ranked above, so a higher number is better. Being 87th percentile means that her class rank is higher than 87% of her classmates' class ranks. By subtracting 87 from 100, you can also see that this student's class rank puts her in the top 13% of her class. What If Your School Doesn't Include Class Rank? Only about 60% of high schools still use class rank, so if your school doesn’t provide class rankings, you are not alone. Some students worry that if their school doesn’t provide class rank, it will hurt their chances of getting into college. However, this is not true. When a high school doesn’t provide class rank, colleges simply look at other information, such as GPA, high school transcripts, and standardized test scores to judge a student’s academic ability. As mentioned above, because fewer high schools provide class rank, it is becoming less important for college admissions. How far away are you from a 4.0? Use our easy GPA tool to pinpoint how well you have to do in future classes to get your GPA up to that magical number. What Is a Good Class Rank? So now that you know what your class rank is, what's a good class rank? This answer depends on a lot of factors, including your high school and where you hope to go to college, but we can still give some general answers. If you want to attend college, your minimum goal should be to have a class rank that puts you in the upper half of your class. So if you have a class of 500, you'd want your rank to be 249 or higher. You can certainly get into colleges with a lower class rank (especially if you go to a highly competitive high school and/or magnet school), but being in the top half of your class is a good baseline goal to aim for since it shows colleges that you're an above-average student at your school. If you want to attend a more competitive college, you should aim to have a class rank that puts you in the top 25% of your class, or the 75th or higher percentile. For Ivy League and other top tier schools, a class rank in the top 10% or 5% is a good goal to aim for. Remember though, that colleges take many factors into consideration when they look at college applications, and your class rank is just one piece of the puzzle. Having an overall strong applicationwith high grades, a transcript showing you took difficult classes, strong letters of recommendation, and dedication to extracurricularsmatters much more than just your class rank alone. Recap: What You Need to Know About Class Rank Class rank is a way to compare a student’s grades to those of her classmates. Students are given a number ranking based on their GPA. Class rank can be weighted, unweighted, or only include percentiles. Class rank is one criteria colleges use to determine an applicant’s academic abilities. Some high schools no longer use class rank due to growing concerns that it causes students to take less challenging courses and puts students who are just outside certain percentiles at an unfair disadvantage when applying to colleges. Your class rank can typically be found on your high school transcript or report card. If your high school doesn’t include class rank, it won’t negatively affect your chances of getting into college. Universities have many other criteria, such as your GPA, essays, and standardized test scores, to help make their decision. What's Next? Wondering what else colleges look for on your transcript? Check out our guide on what information a high school transcript includes and why it's important for college applications. Want to improve your class rank? Read our guide on different strategies to raise your GPA in high school. Wondering how strong your GPA is? Learn what a good GPA is for college. How far away are you from a 4.0? Use our easy GPA tool to pinpoint how well you have to do in future classes to get your GPA up to that magical number.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Murrah case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Murrah case study - Essay Example This system includes training, planning and coordination efforts among the community members. Because the trainings and meetings are regular, which is on a monthly basis and the informal consultations are done on a more frequent basis, the local members have gained the preparedness through the good flow of communication. The city of Oklahoma has ensured preparedness by developing an all-hazards response capability, which is aimed to train, plan and coordinate efforts in any disaster that will come to the city. By first being prepared, the people concerned would have known what to do when a thing happens. The preparedness of the city includes engaging all the concerned parties at the planning phase. Because the people who are concerned are involved in developing ideas, then coordinating them to others who play a role in the system, the concerned parties have a feel of how the flow of communication will be even when during the incident. These people include firefighters, police officers, public health officers, urban search and rescue teams, engineers, public work officials, military personnel and hospital and other medical care providers. These people also have developed strong working relationships with people of the local media who helped communicate the information to the public. The ‘drafting and competing of local and state disaster response plans’ are part of the preparation. The integration of these plans through communication has proven vital when the real disaster has occurred. The strong working relationship proves to be a vital element in the communication flow of the system during the incident. Because people have developed a strong relationship during the preparations for disasters, the flow of communication was easier and smoother, which lead to the success in the interoperability in the

Friday, November 1, 2019

IP Management - Strategies and Tactics in Managing IP Disputes Term Paper

IP Management - Strategies and Tactics in Managing IP Disputes - Term Paper Example order to understand the concept of Intellectual Property strategy it is essential to understand the concepts behind Intellectual Property and strategy and the combination of these both terms. The Intellectual Property strategy, according to different analysts, is the tactic and method used for the management of the Intellectual Property rights by focusing on different activities like licensing and filing. On the other hand, there is another school of thought according to which Intellectual Property strategy is like any other business strategy and the focus is on using the Intellectual Property rights for the management of the technology. These is also a perception that Intellectual Property strategies are only associated with the large multinationals organizations and small or not for profits companies have nothing to do with Intellectual property. This perception is not correct, the Intellectual Property and associated Intellectual Property strategy is important and relevant for the companies of any size (Kitching & Blackburn, 1998). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: In order to understand the different strategies and tactics associated with intellectual property, it is first important to know what is the meaning of intellectual property. Intellectual property is the term used to refer to the creation or formation of human mind like different inventions, symbols, artistic work, literary work, images, designs and other associated things. For all these creations of the human minds the creator is awarded with a set of exclusive rights associated for the innovation or discovery. These rights and laws are provided to the owners or creators of the intangible assets which cannot be recorded or documented otherwise (Merges, 1997). Intellectual Property can be further divided into two... The intention of this study is an intellectual property as the term used to refer to the creation or formation of human mind like different inventions, symbols, artistic work, literary work, images, designs and other associated things. For all these creations of the human minds the creator is awarded with a set of exclusive rights associated for the innovation or discovery. These rights and laws are provided to the owners or creators of the intangible assets which cannot be recorded or documented otherwise. Intellectual Property can be further divided into two categories: one is of the industrial property which consists of inventions, industrial designs, trademarks, etc. and other is copyright which consists of different type of artistic and literary work like poems, novels, films, drawings, musical work, photographs, paintings, sculptures, musical work, etc. Out of all these the types of Intellectual Property which are widely used and are most common are: trademarks, copyrights, pat ents, trade secrets, and industrial design rights. The term of Intellectual Property is relatively new, as it was started being used in the nineteenth century and become more common and popular in the twentieth century. The main aim or purpose behind the use of Intellectual Property is the protection and security of the innovation by the creator or innovator. Along with this the financial incentives associated with the Intellectual Property also encourage people to come up with new innovations in order to get Intellectual Property which in turn results in the development of the overall society and world.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Normative approach and positive approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Normative approach and positive approach - Essay Example Among various source of income, business needs to maintain everyday transactions, this are known as accounting methods. Accounting theory can be defined as the study, which helps to examine the methodologies of the assumptions, with their frame work in financial accounting principles. By the study on accounting theory helps to understand the review the historical foundations of the accounting practises and the way by which the verification on accounting practises is made and report to the relating regulatory framework which governs the financial statement and also the financial reporting (Evans, 2009, p.67). We also can say that a set of concepts which are interrelated, or descriptions or intensions which help to create a reasonable analysis on the incidents by identifying the relations among the variables that can be described as accounting theory. There is no single proper theory in financial accounting which may govern the process of accounting accurately (Belkaoui, 2004 p.125). T here are differences in approaches, opinions, and values in accounting practise. In the year 2005 Deegan and Unerman stated that to understand the accounting theory a proper methodology is needed to justify the process (Most, 1977, p.56). Nowadays both economics as well as businesses are continuously evolving. Accounting theory is also changing with business and economy. ... For the development of accounting theory several approaches have been made within the last two decades, among which are descriptive, normative, positive, decision making, empirical and welfare ones. However here we concentrate on positive approach and normative approach. Normative theory A normative theory can be defined as a theory, which does not depend on observations, but on the process by which it should be done. According to most of the researchers several different approaches are used in this theory to find a correct opinion about accounting. The formula is used in this method to find out the value what income is based on and not depend on cost. Here the opinions of the theorists are depending upon deductive logic, subjective opinion and inductive methods. On base upon this theory all the other theories are standardized. The other theories tend to give conclusion that some of the accounting rules are better or worse than the others. The normative theories generally depend upon the anecdotal evidence which may not pass the test of academic rigor (Porwal, 2001, p.245). On depending on the personal outlooks, consequent reasoning, and by using of elementary reasoning it aims to approve that there are several accounting practices which are better than others. It helps to understand what ought to be rather than what it actually is. In the part of theory construction the normative approach is likely to depend on the future related answer rather than on its present. That is like here we can find the answer of â€Å"what should be† rather than â€Å"what it is†. According to this theory, the theories will be more feasible and desirable, which does not depend upon the current

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Stakeholders In Planning Of Change

Stakeholders In Planning Of Change Prior to implementing a companywide change, it is important to get stakeholders on board. Organisations take their stakeholders into confidence, just to ensure the smooth transition, since they are the one who will be affected by the change. For an organisation stakeholder can be its employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, managers, government, local community, creditors etc. n order to achieve this goal, stakeholder analyses are carried out. Stakeholder Analysis The process of identifying those who will be affected by the actions of organisation. It also enables the managers to analyze the attitudes of stakeholders towards the change. In order to carry out these analysis, following steps are taken: Identify the stakeholders in stakeholder analysis the first step is to come up with the list of any who will be affected by the organisational actions, this can include an individual, a group or an organisation. The possible stakeholders for Gill Construction can be: new Managing Director previous MD senior managers suppliers lenders / banks customers public future recruits, environment protection groups regulatory bodies Prioritize your stakeholders For organisations the list of stakeholders can be very long, in one case of university 20,000 stakeholders were identified. This doesnt mean that everyone is very important to the organisation. Hence the next step in stakeholder analysis is to prioritize stakeholders. This can be done using Power / Interest Grid. Using this grid, Gill construction can identify their key stakeholders, which can be: new Managing Director senior managers suppliers lenders / banks customers public environment protection groups and regulatory bodies existing workforce Understand Your Key Stakeholders this is the last step in stakeholder analysis. It focuses on understanding the key stakeholders, and defines the way they will be affected. It also highlights the interests stakeholders have with the organisation. It answers the following question: What financial or emotional interest do they have in the outcome of change? Is it positive or negative? What motivates them? What information do they want? How do they want to receive information? What is the best way of communicating with them? What is their current opinion? Is it based on good information? Who influences their opinions generally? Do some of these influencers therefore become important stakeholders in their own right? If they are not likely to be positive, what will win them around to support change? How to manage their opposition How they can influence others by their opinion? Convergence and Divergence Another model adopted by management gurus to analyze the stakeholders. It enables the managers to identify the factors which are opposing the stakeholders and which are supporting it. Divergence analysis of the factors which are opposing the change for stakeholders. The first step is to identify the basic change factors which are causing the opposition, these can be beliefs, values, and goals associated with the stake holders. Managers need to answers like What are their beliefs about change and which have led them to oppose it? What are the values being transgressed by change actions? Are their stress values being triggered? How is the change affecting their career social goals? Managers also need into their perception of the change, analyzing this can give them huge edge converting their opposition. They need to answer questions like What do they think about change? What do they think will happen? How do they look at other stakeholders? Convergence elements which are supporting the change. It is much focused on those who oppose the change. Managers need to understand who they are dealing with, what they are capabable how and how they can affect them. For-example A regulatory body or HSE will have permission to shut down the work in progress if they find anything in violation of the laws. Also in case of Supply chain, they may also ruin their relationship with the supplier. Banks and Lenders will have their leverage over the organisation since a loan was taken for the purchase of new machinery. Managers need to look into the following cases: How the stakeholder will be managed? Do they need any leadership or they will just follow? What made them follow the leadership How will they support the change? How prepared are they for the change? Evaluate the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change Stakeholders Circle: A tool designed to gain stakeholder commitment and involve the key stakeholders in developing a change management strategy. This cycle has six steps and also known as Six Steps Stakeholders Cycle Identify the stakeholders The first step is to identify the key stakeholders, which can influence and have interest within the organisation. Prioritize the stake holders Managers need to identify the key stakeholder using the Power-Interest Grid. For Gill Construction these key stakeholders are : MD Employees Management Customers Suppliers Regulatory Bodies Map the Profile next step is to map the profile, how will they be affected, what is in the change for them, how they can be supported, what kind of support we can get from them, what are their culture and values. All the questions will be answered at this point Engagement strategy At this point a managers need to decide how they are going to address the issues of stakeholders in order to gain their commitment and support. New MD of Gill Construction need to hold a meeting with management of the company. Clearly define what He wants to achieve and what his goals are. Since his goal is to improve the quality of the work done and also expand the business. It will be then the job of Management to directly contact their respective staff members and explain the situation to them. Ideas for improvement will be taken. Meeting and Presentations will be held with suppliers and explain your objective to them. Also Management will seek advice from regulatory bodies to assists them in improving the H S at workplace. Banks and Lenders will also be taken into confidence. A clear business plan will be presented to them. Optimise their Support next step in this cycle is to optimise the support from stakeholders. Managers need to be very clear and specific about their objective to the stakeholder and try to get most out of them. They need to keep good relationships with their lenders/ banks and suppliers. Monitor the last and final stage is to monitor the strategy. They need to keep going back to their stakeholders and ensure their support is still with them. If they have any kind of doubts they need to clear them out. Develop a change management strategy with stakeholders A strategy will be formed which will help management at Gill Construction to gain commitment from their stakeholders. A general change management strategy involves three steps: Situational awareness before a companywide change is implemented, everyone will be made aware of the change and what is going to happen in result of this change. A vision will be created Stakeholders will be informed that how this will effect. Suppliers will be notified about what will be expected of them. Employees will be taken into confidence to avoid panic. Supporting structures second step is to structure teams and sponsor coalition. They will be debriefed about who is going to do what. If they will be let go off, they will be informed at this stage. They will be informed that they need to trained to operate the new machinery. Bank or Lender will be informed about new purchases and equipment. New policy about H S will be sent to HSE and they will be informed about it. Suppliers will be contacted and new terms regarding JIT will be set, also material price will be revisited. Strategy analysis this stage involves risk analysis to be carried out. what degree of risk is involved in this change. What will happen if this strategy fails. In case there is no progress even after this change, what will we do, what if lenders refuse to pass a load. In case of resistance from stakeholders a resistance to change strategy will be required. Management will give their best to negotiate on good terms with the suppliers and use the bargaining power. Management also need to convince the bank and lenders to pass the load and take them into confidence. Create a strategy for managing resistance to change It is in human nature that whenever they are asked to move out of their comfort zone or change, they resist it. When organisations go under change it is very obvious that stakeholders will be afraid of its outcome. Hence it is very important to manage this resistance because this resistance can raise the risk factor during the change or transition process. Passive versus Active Resistance A framework adopted from Active Passive Being critical Agreeing verbally but not following through Ridiculing failing to implement change Appealing to fear Procrastinating or dragging one feet Using facts selectively Feigning ignorance Blaming or accusing Withholding information, suggestion, help or support Intimidating or threatening Standing by or allowing change to fail Manipulating Blocking Starting rumours Arguing Managing Resistance Before a change is implemented it is very important for managers to either eliminate resistance completely or bring it down to a very lower level such that it has a very minor effect. There can be number of ways for managing this resistance. Some of the ways adopted by Gill Construction can be: Communication everyone within the organisation should be made aware of the situation. Managers need to communicate openly with all the stakeholders and discuss the issues with them. Even if they are supporting the change management need to check with them back to back to ensure the full commitment. Management need to hold meetings, brainstorming session with the staff and communicate with them. Suggestions will be taken from the staff and their participation will be encouraged. Training staff will be provided with appropriate training to build up their skills so that they can operate the new machinery. This will help to eliminate the resistance put up by the operational workforce. Also work-shops will be held with other staff to ensure that they are not left behind. They will be provided with the information and steps involved in this transition will be explained to them. Feedback Taking feedback or suggestions from the stakeholders is always the best way to gain their commitment. This shows to them that management is still listening to them and they hold a value to them. Taking feedback about the training is also good to monitor the staff performance. Develop appropriate models for change In the current scenario, Gill Construction has newly appointed Managing Director, who is not very happy with the current operational situation of the organization .He wants to improve the internal situation of the organization as well as the product quality. In past there were a lot of incidents related to poor health and safety at work place, this was due to the fact that no one was following the policy. Also there were cases of project being delayed due to the lack of appropriate equipment and machinery. Since the management decided to go under a change they have faced a heavy resistance from Suppliers, and employees. Also there were concerns over H S policy. The appropriate change management model for Gill construction would be ADKAR model by Prosci. Awareness Management need to create awareness among all the stakeholders and communicate the vision to them clearly, this will help to get them on board. Meeting will be held with suppliers and explain to them about the Just in Time approach for the material in order to avoid storage costs and material wastage. Employees will be explained that what will be expected of them. They will be informed about the new machinery and equipment and their usage. They will also be debriefed about following H S policies or they will face fine. Desire next step is to get feedback from the stakeholders and see what they desire. Full stakeholder participation will be encouraged. They will also monitor the desire for the stakeholders to change. This will be done using meeting and brainstorming sessions Knowledge next step is to educate and train the staff. This will help to motivate the work force and gain their trust. A list will be made regarding the skills and knowledge needed to support the change. If the supplier can provide the stuff on time. Ability even if the stakeholders have the skills and knowledge to support the change but do they have the ability to support it. For-example Supplier has the complete knowledge of JIT and has skilled work force but do not have enough sources or ability to carry it out. Same is the case with employees they might have skills to operate the machinery but they might not have ability to work at a certain place Reinforcement the last step is to reinforce the sources to retain change. Training should be provided to the staff to motivate them and make them feel empower. Also managers need to look if the current supplier cannot agree on the new terms than a new supplier might be required. Plan to implement a model for change Organizational Development A companywide effort to increase organizations effectiveness. It focuses to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of the organization, so that it can adopt the change e.g. technological or new market or competitor. OD involves process re-engineering and system re-structuring within the organization to increase the effectiveness. Business Process Re-engineering- the complete rethinking, redesigning and reengineering of the business process. The process of material delivery or supply chain will be redesigned. Supplier will be asked to adopt the JIT approach and supply the material at right time. The material will be kept in very low quantity, and if there is need of more material Mangers have to inform supplier prior to 3-days. They will demand for more stock when they have 20% of the stock left. Also Management will adopt a strict approach towards H S policies at work place. If anyone found in violation of these policies will be heavily fined. Customers will be in direct contact with the Project Manager and everything will be done through him. Project Manager will discuss the issues with senior management on weekly basis. Push-Pull Strategy In the current system, organization is following the Push Strategy, which means the stock is Supplier driven. The demand for material is sent to the supplier and it is then delivered but it is resulting in overstocking and in some cases delays which is unacceptable. Hence a new strategy is required, which will be Pull based supply chain. In this strategy the order is placed by the organization in the required quantity, and supplier has to deliver that on time. This will be a mix of Push and Pull. The demand will be given by Gill Construction when the stock reached the 20% mark, and then supplier will be required to deliver the material as demanded. Develop appropriate measures to monitor progress Once the change implementation strategy is planned, the next step is to put appropriate measures in place which will monitor the performance. This can be achieved with the use of following: Goal-based evaluation the aim of this evaluation is to monitor the performance of change and see if the desired goals have been achieved, this involves: Formulating clear goals, what we wanted to achieve. The goal was to improve the operational quality and supply chain. The next step is to align the organizational goals with the change goals. Gill Construction aim is to provide quality service to the client and gaining customer satisfaction, that will be aligned with the goals for change, the change was required to improve supply chain, and also service quality by using new equipment. Next step is to recognize if we have achieved our goals. The effectiveness of supply chain can be checked by measuring waste levels. Also work force commitment can be seen by appraisals and the percentage of accidents at work place. Process-based evaluation it is another tool which measures the effectiveness on the basis of process performance. This checks if the process redesigning has improved the service quality. It will focus on the supply chain process and see if the process has shown its effectiveness. Are the stakeholders happy with the process. The new process for customers to be in direct contact with project manager and not with head office, is it really helping customers or not. Feedback can be taken at this point, which can assists the managers in monitoring the situation.